Tuesday, 13 September 2011

My Influences

Woodworkers are like most creative people. We all have influences; mentors; the folk we try to emulate, and our favourite styles of work; stuff we strive to produce.
What of my influences? Well, my biggest influence is the guy who first taught me my woodwork, way back in the 1950s. Vic Wyatt, the school Woodwork teacher. Without him and his enthusiasm, I might never have got started. Okay, I suppose there would have been another teacher, if it hadn't been Mr. Wyatt. You know what I mean. He was the one who recognised my complete lack of ability, and who decided to do something about it. He isn't with us any more, but all the same if I were to dedicate this blog to anyone, it would be to him.

Over the years of course I fell under the spell of a few other mentors'. (Chief among whom was Charles H Hayward; via my first woodwork magazine, 'The Woodworker', of which Hayward was Editor-in-Chief.) Krenov too is another influence for me, but I didn't discover him until the 1970s. I love his approach to woodwork; the feeling he puts into his writing and his work. All of this gives me the excitement and inspiration to carry on. I don't make Krenov inspired pieces; (I don't make much at all lately, but I live in hope that my physical problems will be resolved.) but his philosophy I try to bring forward into my own work. I am interested deeply in the Arts and Crafts movement. Not necessarily because I like all of the designs, but because most of the work is true to my sentiments when I am belly-up to the bench. Plus, I get to use my favourite native timber/s; English Oak above all! I could go on, but I am overdue in the shop; I won't be doing much more than looking at my tools, and tidying up; but it's a start!

So now you know a little more about me, please come back and check if I have posted anything worthwhile. You never know; we might be lucky!

Stay well and work safe.


  1. So I heard a rumor that someone was going to republish Mr. Hayward's works from Wood Magazine in a single book .. maybe sometime this year. I hope it happens since I've never had access to his writings. Here's hopin'. Loving your comments on my blog.

  2. You're welcome Marilyn. Thanks for stopping by. There are a fair number of Mr. Hayward's books available through used book sites, but I didn't know of any plan to enclose all of his works in a single casing. I think there might be more than one volume when it happens though!

    John :)
